

November 2, 2023

Receipt Management Alpha
Keeper's Receipt Management feature is now in an early alpha, so we're now opening up slots for the beta.
If you'd like to join the beta, sign up here for early access.
Files 2.0 Beta Improvements
  • Broadened access to the Files 2.0 Beta.
  • The files tree will stay expanded if you close and reopen the files modal.
  • Made improvements to search in Files 2.0.
  • Updated the default expanded state of the files tree so user see more of their folders by default.
  • Made expanding and collapsing folders faster.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "go to transaction" button not to work for some transaction comments.
  • Fixed a bug causing some transactions with attachments to show up in the transactions without attachments report.
  • Fixed a bug where transactions in credit card accounts that were made inactive in QuickBooks were not filtered out of the Prepare 1099s report.
  • Fixed a bug that stripped indentation from the Executive Summary Note on the Management Report.
  • Fixed a bug causing the "client response" pop up to become jumpy if there were long client responses.
  • Fixed a bug causing Metrics graphs to show up too large on Management Reports.
  • Fixed a bug causing the related client(s) field not to show options to add when adding a contact in All Contacts settings.