
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Splitting Receipts into Multiple PDFs
You can now split receipt files into multiple pdfs within Keeper Receipts. This comes in handy when a client sends you pages of receipt images in one file, or when you have a long invoice that needs to be matched to multiple transactions in the ledger.
Receipts Improvements
  • You can now clear Customers, Classes & Locations from transactions in Keeper Receipts.
Other Improvements
  • If a task was edited, users can now compare current and previous version details in the activity log for the task.
  • Users can now view changes made to Client Resources in the activity log in Practice Settings.
  • Users can now see if a team member edited a message in a client question thread, including who edited the message and when the change was made.
  • Continued polish & design improvements to the upgraded client portal (currently in beta).
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where standard users could edit task name and description with lock standard users enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the client portal upgrade did not stick to the practice.
  • Investigated: Error message when applying template ‘Error applying task template.’
  • Fixed a bug where financials were out of order in Client Portal 2.0.
  • Fixed a bug where receipts defaulted to CAD when creating a new vendor, even if the client is USD.
  • Fixed a bug where a Canadian file showed ‘Out of Scope’ and did not allow the user to update the tax field on a line item.
Client Portal Design Upgrade
This week we launched an exciting design upgrade to the Keeper client portal! This update introduces a sleek, modern design and makes communicating with your clients more intuitive. This is currently in beta - sign up to get access by filling out this form!
Receipts Improvements
  • Clients now have visibility into the receipts they've uploaded to their portal. They can view, search, and add memos to any of their previously submitted receipts. (Note: this feature is available as part of the client portal design upgrade beta)
Other Improvements
  • Users can now create Resources templates to quickly and easily share helpful information across multiple clients in their portals.
  • Users can now log into Keeper via Google SSO.
  • Xero P&Ls got a major upgrade: you can now create account groups using our drag and drop layout builder (currently in limited release).
  • We made additional improvements to the activity log, which now includes updates to resources.
  • We added enhanced safeguards for admins to avoid accidental deletions of firm-wide task sections.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where starting a client timer on the client list with time tracking enabled immediately prompted you to stop the timer.
  • Fixed a bug where practice email connected but failed to send some emails.
  • Investigated: Error occurring when using a custom date range on Client Reporting (time tracking).
  • Investigated: Multiple discounts causing a Stripe subscription to be updated many times per day.
  • Fixed a bug where the screen greys out and freezes when deleting a transaction question.
  • Fixed a bug where tracking categories did not render in the Client Communication table.



Workflow / Task Management

Time Tracking

Collaboration / Commenting

July 11, 2024

Compare Prior Period Files in Account Reconciliation Tasks
In addition to comparing prior period comments and footnotes, users can now compare files from previous closes in a side-by-side view on all Account Reconciliation tasks. Copy files from previous periods to the current close to efficiently roll forward standard documentation.
Other Improvements
  • Users can now filter Capacity Planning reports by client name
  • We added the option to restrict edits to time tracking logs for standard users.
  • We added clarification to Account Reconciliation tasks to let users know that deleting an account does not prevent them from adding it back in the future.
  • Activity log update: Users can now see when an attachment has been removed from a task
  • Activity log update: Users can now see priority status additions & removals
  • Activity log update: Users can now see task names on the activity log when creating a new task
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where CA files were treated as US files.
  • Fixed a bug where Keeper Receipts billing count was incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the deletion of questions for clients.
  • Fixed a bug where threads you are involved in did not appear in 'All' within the comment inbox unless the page was refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug where comments with at-tags did not appear in 'Open' within the comment inbox unless the page was refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug where comments with at-tags did not appear in 'All' within the comment inbox unless the page was refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug causing a "QBO account not found" error when posting a receipt to a transaction.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when trying to move files to custom folders.
  • Fixed a bug where adding a question to a task template prompted an error.
  • Fixed a bug where projects did not show up as sub-customers in receipts.
  • Fixed a bug where the comment inbox did not render unread messages properly after toggling.
  • Fixed a bug where the branding preview did not show the correct background color.
  • Fixed a bug where the 'All Timers' view did not default to show recent timers first.
  • Fixed a bug where the {Unanswered_Questions_Count} merge tag did not pull the correct number in the Reminder Text template.



Workflow / Task Management

Time Tracking

July 4, 2024

Compare Comments & Footnotes from Previous Closes
When completing Account Reconciliation tasks, users can now compare comments and footnotes from previous closes in a side-by-side view. This makes it easier to gain meaningful context from lessons learned in prior months and carry forward standard documentation from period to period.
Other Improvements
  • Users can now filter for custom date ranges by start time in the All Timers time tracking report.
  • Performance improvements for the task activity log.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing very slow performance and significant lag on a specific client file.
  • Fixed a bug where the "send magic link" feature sent emails from Keeper even while custom branding was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the P&L report only pulled in transactions based on the invoice date instead of the transaction date.
  • Fixed a bug where the capacity planning table did not take up the full width and table expansion caused misalignment.
  • Fixed a bug where unread comments did not populate until the page was refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when opening a scanned receipt in Transaction Files.
  • Fixed a bug where negative lines on invoices did not display as negative.
  • Fixed a bug where files and folders at the same level in the client portal appeared misaligned.


Workflow / Task Management

June 27, 2024

Activity Log
Keeper now has an Activity Log to help admins track changes to tasks. Now any time a task is created, updated, or deleted, that change will be stored in the Activity Log.
You can also access a single task's Activity Log from inside the body of the task:
Other Improvements
  • Note: to give users more time to update their email integrations, the email infrastructure upgrade has been delayed until July 30th.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where accessing the "Your Timers" modal caused performance issues in some files.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Prepare 1099s report to be added to Canadian clients.
  • Fixed a bug causing email templates to appear out of order.
  • Fixed a bug causing the "Ask Client" button to be grayed out in the Chrome Extension / bank feed.
  • Fixed a bug causing occasional crashing for some clients on in Metrics.
  • Fixed a bug preventing firm tasks from being assigned to some users on the Task List.



Client Portal

Workflow / Task Management

Management Reporting

June 20, 2024

Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
This week, we continued working on significant performance improvements and fixing bugs in Keeper.
Other Improvements
  • Users will now only see in-use tags in their non-closing tasks section headers, reducing visual clutter and making it easier to scan and filter by tag.
  • Column headers in Capacity Planning reports are now pinned at the top, making for better readability when scrolling through longer reports.
  • Users can now select Puerto Rico area codes for their practice phone numbers.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the country code of QBO clients was not being set properly upon addition.
  • Fixed a bug causing some non-transaction questions to be missing in Keeper.
  • Fixed a bug where vendor files were showing as visible when they were hidden in the portal.
  • Fixed a bug preventing receipts from uploading properly.
  • Fixed a bug where some questions were not loading on the close page for unconnected clients.
  • Fixed a bug where a transaction question answer was showing an uploaded file, though the file was not saving properly.
  • Fixed a bug where Executive Summary totals for a Xero file were incorrectly displaying as $0.
  • Fixed a bug where transactions with multiple lines were not pulling into the Expenses Without Customers Report.
  • Fixed a bug where P&L reports were cut off when downloaded to PDF.
  • Fixed a bug where month-end close due dates did not roll over properly for business days.
  • Fixed a bug where the Management Report for a CA file rounding showed CA$0.0 instead of a dash.
  • Fixed a bug where the email signature was included in the sent e-mail but was not shown in the Message Client screen.



Workflow / Task Management

Collaboration / Commenting


June 13, 2024

Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
This week, we focused on fixing bugs in Keeper and making features more accessible and easier to use.
Receipts Improvements
  • Client notes submitted with receipts are now visible even after the receipt file has been posted to a transaction.
  • Users can now view assignees for receipts questions in the Transaction Files table of Transaction Questions.
Other Improvements
  • Added Gross Profit to the available client financial values on the client list. Sign up for the Financials on the Client list beta here.
  • Comments are no longer auto-resolved when there is no user tagged in the comment.
  • Users can now easily see how many clients are represented in a filtered view on the client list. The Client column will now show filtered clients over total clients (ie. 20/35) when a filter is applied.
  • Users will now see an "info" icon next to the time-stamped balance in Account Reconciliations tasks if their balance has changed since reconciling. The icon was added to increase visibility of changes for low-resolution monitors where recognizing changes in color is difficult.
  • Certain columns were resized on the client list to better suit the columns' content.
  • Significant performance improvements were made to the client list, including improved sort and export functions.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing the gear icon to add non-transaction question tags to be missing.
  • Fixed a bug where the 'Go to Close' function broke when navigating from the task list.
  • Fixed a bug where templates did not transfer the assigned user when applied to a client.
  • Fixed a bug where the first result in the client switcher dropdown was not selected by default.
  • Fixed a bug where the 'Notes' column in Transaction Files showed as 'Yes' for emails even when it was empty.
  • Fixed a bug where scheduled send emails were not deleted when a client was deleted or archived.
  • Fixed a bug causing long load times for community templates.
  • Fixed a bug allowing users to copy folder structures to and from an archived client.
  • Fixed a bug where forwarded receipts were not landing in client uploads inbox.
  • Fixed a bug causing the scheduled send email feature to incorrectly update the date and time from 12 PM to 12 AM the next day.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the saving of some new users.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when selecting "Open in new tab" for files.




Workflow / Task Management


June 6, 2024

Financials on the Client List (In Beta)
Users can now pull live financial data from your clients' QBO & Xero files directly into the client list dashboard. Use this data to inform pricing discussions or scan for meaningful insights ahead of a client call.
The beta version includes values for revenue and net income (last month & last 12 months).
To join the beta, add your e-mail to this form.
Receipts Improvements
  • There is now a wider date range for matching receipts to transactions, making it easier to consider potential matches.
  • Users can now create duplicates of receipt files for matching or creating one file to multiple transactions.
Other Improvements
  • Users can now set due dates by business days for monthly closes.
  • Users can now archive clients to preserve historical workflow data when a client engagement ends.
  • Users can now log into Keeper by SSO via Microsoft Entrata
  • W9 requests have been updated to reflect the IRS's 2024 revisions.
  • Users can now more easily identify and navigate between related clients (clients with one or more shared contact) from the close page.
  • Users can now include clickable links in Community Templates descriptions.
  • Users can now clear recurring due dates on non-closing tasks.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the client list table expanded and became misaligned after opening the nested table
  • Fixed a bug causing filter results to disappear when toggling the status of non-transaction questions after filtering for assignee.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error message when trying to view a file.
  • Fixed a bug where due dates set to a specific business day were incorrectly converted to a specific date upon starting a new close.
  • Fixed a bug preventing updates to transactions from within transaction questions.
  • Fixed a bug causing formatting issues when viewing the Task List in Firefox.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when updating task due dates in templates.
  • Fixed a bug where the order of files starting with numbers was inconsistent, showing correctly in the client portal but incorrectly in the 'All Files' section.
Community Templates
  • Users can now share and source best practices within our incredibly knowledgeable Keeper community. Publish your favorite templates and browse the library for workflow templates to apply to your firm. Learn more here.
Receipts Improvements
  • Users can now post receipts to customers in addition to vendors.
Other Improvements
  • Cash basis reporting for Xero is now supported!
  • Emoji reactions to comments are now visible from your comments list, making it easier to see reactions from team members and to add your own emoji reaction without needing to click into the comment thread.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug causing some classes to be missing from the list of available classes.
  • Fixed a bug allowing white text to appear on a white button background on the client portal login screen.
  • Fixed a bug preventing recurring task due dates from being updated in templates.
  • Fixed a bug causing a runtime error when toggling to a different client from the close screen.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the Client Rates tab in Time Tracking settings resulted in an error message.
  • Fixed a bug where the 1099 Needed status in the CSV export was incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug causing uploaded receipts to show up as blank.
  • Fixed a bug causing the button placement in the add timer modal to be misaligned and forcing the End time button down to a new line.
  • Fixed a bug preventing 1099 export formatting from matching Tax1099 requirements.



Workflow / Task Management

Time Tracking

Collaboration / Commenting

May 23, 2024

Polishing Rough Edges
  • Users can now view "Due Later" tasks in addition to "Due Soon" tasks while on the client list dashboard.
  • Users can now view current month-to-date hours worked in the Capacity Planning reports. These hours can be viewed alongside historical, average, and budgeted hours for comparison.
  • Users can now filter by employee and remove inactive employees from Capacity Planning reports.
  • The comments notifications inbox in the top right of the screen has been reconfigured to show unread comments by default, allowing users to more intuitively manage their comments requiring action.
Other Improvements
  • We set the stage for our e-mail service upgrade coming this summer. Users may soon see an in-app notification prompting reauthentication of practice e-mails. This is important to complete so e-mail service is not interrupted during the transition. This upgrade will improve e-mail performance and allow for future exciting functionality like the ability to read e-mails within Keeper. Stay tuned for more updates!
  • We removed the ability to delete firm-wide properties from within a client's Info section, reducing the potential for accidental deletions.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where account reconciliation status fields were not populating for a specific client.
  • Fixed a bug where client information was incorrectly stored in the timer when users toggled to firm work from client work.
  • Improved the UX for receipt questions posted to bills by correcting the notification and ensuring the question thread remains attached to the posted transaction.
  • Fixed a bug preventing some users from receiving comment notification emails.
  • Fixed a bug allowing standard users to bulk delete tasks on the task list even when task lock was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug causing two timer modals to appear on the client list.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking the close switcher dropdown caused colors on the account reconciliation tasks to stop showing for some users.
  • Fixed a bug causing an error when some users logged into the Chrome extension.
  • Fixed a bug causing the PDF view on iPad Safari to be too narrow.
  • Fixed a bug preventing the file preview in the client portal from printing the file.
  • Fixed a bug causing outbound email subjects and bodies to be blank when attempting to attach very large files.
  • Fixed a bug where switching a QBO client from profit to non-profit status could cause duplicated questions and prevent proper transaction changes.
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