October 12, 2023
Un-clunking Keeper
This week, we once again focused on un-clunking Keeper: fixing bugs and making features easier to use and more accessible.
In particular, this week, we focused primarily on app stability and performance improvements.
Other Improvements
- Added a new Zapier action to get the client properties of a client.
- Made the Transaction Questions table resizable.
- Manual Journals in Xero clients now show in proper debit/credit format.
- Added a setting to show the currency symbol on Financial Statements only on totals rows (instead of all rows).

Bug Fixes
- Fixed several performance issues affecting some Keeper accounts.
- Fixed a bug that prevented properties from populating in the Chrome Extension.
- Fixed a bug that where clicking a deep link in a new comment on the task list goes to the Client List.
- Fixed a bug that caused some comment deep links to go to the wrong client from the Client List.
- Fixed a bug that caused the date columns on the Profit and Loss in the Final Review to be shifted one month to the left.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Profit and Loss detail report to bleed over the edge of the page in some clients.
- Fixed a bug causing the Balance Sheet drilldown in the final review to incorrectly sum some Manual Journal transactions.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Management Report page from loading on some Xero clients.
- Fixed a bug causing the attached file count to be wrong on the Prepare 1099s report.