Management Reporting
October 5, 2023
P&L Detail Report
Keeper now supports including the Profit and Loss Detail report in your Management Reporting package!

Comments: listening to feedback
We've continued to listen to your feedback and improve Comments based on what you feel is missing.
We've added an
filter on the client comments feed, comments now show the name of the client they relate to, and self @-tags now appear in the comment inbox.
Other Improvements
- Added an option to filter the task list for tasks without assignees.
- Added the ability to bulk update tracking categories in Xero.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing closes to be automatically marked completed upon accessing the close page.
- Fixed a bug that caused tasks not to be deleted from a template when the section was deleted.
- Fixed a bug where applying a template reordered tasks in the Account Reconciliation section.
- Fixed a bug causing that caused empty rows to appear in the tasks table when moving files to closing tasks.
- Fixed a bug causing the Client Portal modal to close when the Client Portal preview modal opened.
- Fixed a bug in some Xero files causing Profit and Loss drilldowns to show incorrect vendor subtotals.
- Fixed a bug causing comments in the same thread to show up as two threads in some edge cases.
- Fixed a bug where marking recurring non-closing tasks complete reordered the task on the close page.
- Fixed a bug causing some tasks to show up twice when creating new closes.
- Fixed a bug causing reportable totals for certain bill payments not to exclude certain line items from bills in the Prepare 1099s report.
- Fixed a bug causing excess whitespace to show on large screens in the Kanban view.