Additional Zapier Actions/Fields
under review
Derek Peterson
In addition, allow a zap to create a Firm level task.
Erica Hughes
Additionally, Keeper currently can't read or update 'attachment' custom properties. Adding this ability would allow us to zap a contract/Engagement Letter to Keeper directly from the proposal software
Erica Hughes
Voting for this for all the suggestions above as well as the ability to:
- update the close status
- send an email
This would make onboarding zaps much more acessible because the contract signature can trigger adding the client + setting the close status (which can trigger the native close status notifications) + send the welcome email. Right now many of the onboarding pieces are a VERY manual process.
Rebecca Inman
I would like to see a zap from client uploaded file to DropBox
Kaeli Parrish
I would also like to be able to add tasks to the Firm, not just clients
Jeff Cecchini
I would like to see a zap for a file added to Dropbox to go to Keeper Inbox
Roslind Burks
Send email through Keeper
Roslind Burks
under review
Lisa Wenzloff
I would like to see a zap from client uploaded file to Box