Allow client to pick from lists and classify transactions in Transaction Questions. (add dropdowns)
Chad Folse
This would be helpful
Cortnie Fetzer
Class choices would help me I like them just typing a description. I don’t prefer they choose from a list unless I create it.
Tiffany Bogle
Maybe Keeper can give us the option of what the dropdown includes? Full CoA, just PL accounts for others, then other the options to select only particular CoA accounts to select from. But then it would be nice if others could enter specific non CoA options. IE: instead of seeing CoA accounts which aren't always named what I want the client to worry about, to instead just say "Meal with Team" or "Meal with Vendor" etc. And then to have the option to click a button to add that selection to the memo/description of the QBO transaction for future reference of what the client chose.
Janelle Hanson
I would this feature!!
Jeff Cecchini
Allowing the client to choose the categorization account from a dropdown, but WE still approve and push that change through to the actual accounting software, just like the app Uncat does it.
Kassandra Degus
Allowing the client to choose the categorization account from a dropdown, but WE still approve and push that change through to the actual accounting software
Jeff Cecchini
Kassandra Degus: yes, I agree with this, just like the app Uncat does it.
Kassandra Degus Yes, I am wanting Keeper to replace Uncat so bad!
Kathy Samoun
I agree that letting them choose the Class would be amazing, but not the account. Too many possible errors!
Ability for me to select the accounts I want the client to classify transactions to. Ability for the client to see the Class. Ability for client to mark expense as billable and select customer to be billed.
Zach Johnson
Maybe allowing them to select or enter the vendor. But to categorize the transactions, isn't that the reason they hired us?
Confirming their selection, sure.
Cindy Weeks
I agree with some of the other commentors. I'd like the client to be able to tell me what the charge was for (i.e. dinner at denver airport), and then perhaps dropdown for customer (and maybe class) --- but not dropdowns for accounts. Too many to choose from and issues with consistency. That is more my job.
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