Billable vs Non-Billable Reporting
partially complete
Tyler Otto
This would be huge for the consturction industry. If there was a way to review transactions in a set of user defined accounts to see if transactions were marked as billabe or not, we'd be able to make sure our customers aren't missing out on expenses they can collect on. See this thread, specifically the post on March 27, 2020 8:30 AM by reogeraf.
Karmen Krinn
I just ran across the Intuit thread mentioned here last night. Recently migrated a construction company from QBD to QBO and discovered I can no longer run a report showing me expenses not marked as billable. Completely floored that this isn't an option. No human is perfect and there will absolutely be times when that billable checkbox isn't checked...then what? If Keeper was able to add the ability to have a column with a billable checkbox showing on transaction reports that would be a HUGE selling feature for any client that has billable expenses. On that note - my particular client is using service items when booking billable expenses. The ability to choose from the service item list rather than assigning the expenses to an expense or COGS account would also be AMAZING!
Melanie Javan Javidan
Karmen Krinn this would be the single most important change to QBO for me
Ben Stein
partially complete
Users can now mark expenses as billable:
Andrea Sullivant
Ben Stein: Thank you!!!!!
Candice Martinez
Ben Stein: thank you so much!!! I am one happy bookkeeper!
Katie Johnson
As someone else mentioned, being able to mark a transaction as billable within keeper would be HUGE for the construction industry. Often my question on a transaction for my homebuilder client is, "What project does this expense belong to" so I would love to be able to assign the project (which you can do in Keeper) AND mark the expense as billable within keeper instead of having to go back to QBO, click into the transaction and mark it as billable from there. For this client of mine, pretty much ALL of there expenses are billable so having this feature in Keeper would be a huge help
Any update on this feature?
Elenor Fleming
Checking in on this feature request eta. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to toggle back and forth between keeper and QBO to update this. What's saving me now is clients are going in and adding the receipts and marking them as billable ahead of time. However, there are still many that are coming over.
Natasha Parry
Yes! I'd love to be able to both mark an expense as billable from Keeper (right now I have to code to the project in Keeper and then toggle back to QBO to mark as billable). AND, the prospect of pulling a report of billabls vs. not billable would be AMAZING! Def need QC capabilities to make sure clients are not missing out on billable expense reimbursements.
Andrea Sullivant
Looking forward to this update! Would love to be able to pull a billable/not billable report and then be able to edit billable status right inside Keeper!
Tyler Otto
The more time I spend working with clients who have billable transactions, I now realize i need to be able to change the status of billable items in keeper as well.
Tyler Otto
Bonus points on if we can Edit if it's billable or not in keeper
Ben Stein
Merged in a post:
Billable Column
Andrea Sullivant
Create a column to easily see if a transaction is marked billable
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