Yaussy Casmartino
Any update on this?
Wayne Higdon
Tasks from Slack would be amazing
Alissa Keomany
What about from Outlook?
Yaussy Casmartino
Any update on this?
Christine Knowlton
Gmail improvement request from FB - putting it in the official thread ;).
Add a description line so we can link back to the original email (assuming it can't auto grab the link like google tasks and todoist do) plus any note?
Tyler Otto
is outlook on the horizon too? or does this end with gmail?
Matthew Hall
does this work for outlook?
Ben Stein
Hey folks!
Keeper's Gmail add-in is now live: https://docs.keeper.app/gmail-integration
We will still be leaving this request open until we also add support for Slack 😃
Tiffany Bogle
One item for this as well would be - instead of sending an email to a team member when tagging them, to send a message to a designated Slack channel.
My firm doesn't use email - ever. So having to check emails would be very cumbersome and out of the norm.
But sending the notification to Slack with a link to come straight back to the transaction/report in question would be slick!
David Worrell
We love SLACK ... but this would have to be a really slick / simple way to move tasks from a slack conversation into Keeper. So... a #SlickSlackSystem! :-)
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