Customize Portal Login Screen - Company Logo, color scheme, and Favicon
Ben Stein
Karla Christianson
Yes please. Was very disappointed to see that is not something that was considered for a paid feature. And that this request has been open for over a year
Ella LaChance
To be honest I am very surprised this isn't part of the white label.
Natasha Parry
yes yes yes please!
Taylor Vanderburgh
Looking for this too. If we can customize the portal once the client logs in, I feel it should be simple to change up the login screen as well. Right now, if I was a client, I would feel hesitant (security-wise) to log in as nothing on the screen says our name (aside from the URL), especially when the link is coming from an email. SO IMPORTANT!!
Stephanie Pitta
I would love this!! I came to post this but knew someone else most have thought of this already so I found the comment :) I see this as a standard option with white labeling with other platforms.
Bevin Conrow
YES! I came here to post this exact request! This absolutely should come with the paid Whitelabeling service. Attached is a photo of what my clients see when they land on my Honeybook Client Portal page. It's GORGEOUS! It's branded to ME. My logo, my company name, my colors. Please make our Keeper Client Portal page look just like this pretty pretty please!!! :-)
Lauren Potter
This would be great!! Please!
Karen Burnside
Yes! I think this should be one of the benefits of paying for the white-labeling.
Alison Kippan
Yes, please!
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