
Workflow / Task Management

October 19, 2023

Close Page UI Updates
Tasks on the close page are now organized into two areas: closing tasks and non-closing tasks.
If you pin your Client Details to the close page, they will also show up in a third area.
Users can collapse these areas, and they'll stay collapsed until you logout / login again. So if you're just focused on the close, you can collapse the Non-closing tasks area to hide it from your view.
The original non-closing tasks section has now been renamed to "General", and multiple non-closing task sections + hiding sections for certain clients are coming soon.
Reordering and renaming sections (which have always been practice-wide settings) have now been moved to their own settings page called the Section Manager. You can reorder and rename sections from your setting, or by clicking
Manage sections
Other Improvements
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that prevented properties from showing up in the Chrome Extension.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the count of answered questions on the Client List not to match the count of answered questions in the Close page.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from adding comments to closing tasks on the Task List.
  • Fixed a bug where a deleted recurring questions would not disappear until the user refreshed the page.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some users from signing up for Keeper if they had ad blockers enabled.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Gross Profit to be incorrect on the P&L of Canadian QuickBooks files with no COGS.